This group has been doing research on Brine Chemistry funded by the Gas Research Institute for over fifteen years (1981-1996). During that time, they have made several innovations related to the prediction, measurement and control of scale formation and most of these ideas and procedures are, or have been, applied in the practical control of scale formation at full scale production wells both on and off shore. As a result of this work they have published over sixty peer reviewed papers and a handbook on calcite scale control, presented more than one hundred conference papers, have been awarded three patents and made several innovations related to Brine Chemistry analytical procedures. Cost savings that the Rice University group has worked on in the fifteen years has averaged over $20,000 per year per well with some being much higher; this figure does not include intangible savings from such things as fewer environmental problems and reduced liability. In 1997, the Brine Chemistry Consortium became a joint industrial project, supported by private production and service companies.